About Us 
Great Lakes Titanic  Connection

A huge shout out & thank you to my special graphic artist Kim Turner for this wonderful rendition of our soon to be Michigan  Titanic Memorial.
Update: We have had to make some changes to the number of passengers from 72 to 69 since there are many ​outlets that have conflicting numbers. We endeavor to make sure we have everyone accounted for so if you know of anyone missing or one that is incorrect please notify us on our contact page.

To be a part of this historical memorial you can safely donate to help it become a reality.
Just lick the Paypal link below. You are protected from fraud by Paypal & all those who donate to this memorial will be acknowledged. Higher donation will be placed on a plaque. Donations of less than $50.00 will get an honorable mention on this website.
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Marine  City Michigan
Above photo does not yet have the benches nor the information plaques on either side. This picture was taken right after the ceremony.